【NDHU】在學境外生寒假期間預計離境再入境調查Survey for current International Students expected departure and re-entry Taiwan during the winter vacation
最後更新日期 :
1.因應國際新冠狀病毒(Covid-19)影響,若境外舊生寒假出境返國者,國際事務處須於入境日七天前安排防疫住宿,故若寒假期間需離境者,皆須填寫此調查表。For the overseas students, who go back home during the 2021 winter vacation, the Office of International Affairs (OIA) has to spare seven days to arrange the place of quarantine before entering Taiwan. So, if you need to leave Taiwan during the winter vacation, you must fill out this survey.
2.配合學校開學等期程,僅開放2/18、2/19、2/25及2/26入境。Please be aware that only the dates of 2/18, 2/19, 2/25, and 2/26 are open for entry.
3.其所衍生之機場至防疫旅館的接送及其他防疫資源成本,寒假返國之境外舊生,須收取相關行政費用新台幣4,800元整(防疫旅館費用需另外支付,至少22500元起,不含餐費),結束檢疫後需自行返校,校方將不提供接送。Since the pickup from the airport to anti-epidemic hotels, or residences costs so much administrative and anti-epidemic resources, the overseas students, going back home during the 2021 winter vacation, need to pay the administrative fees of 4,800 NT dollars(Quarantine Hotel Fee needs to be paid separately, at least NT$22,500, excluding meals). Please note the OIA will not arrange any transportation from the anti-epidemic hostels or hotels to your residences, after quarantine.
*表單連結Survey :https://forms.gle/BV4KToVBJ6VyKP7p8