
【因應新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情,國際事務處自2月25日起調整洽公措施】 New administration measures of the OIA due to the coronavirus (Convid-19) outbreak, since 25 February, 2020.

發佈單位 : COVID-19防疫資訊-國際區 最後更新日期 : 2020-02-27
Our dear faculty, staffs and students,

Due to the coronavirus (Convid-19) outbreak and your health, the OIA has new measures for administration since Tuesday 25 February, 2020. Please you could cooperate with the new measures.

1. If not necessary, please you contact us by email, telephone, and any online social medium to avoid contact in person.

2. 本處將於行政大樓六樓602室設置臨時洽公空間,並派員駐點服務,提供面洽諮詢,亦降低群聚感染風險。
2. If necessary to contact us in person, you could meet us at Room 602, which is a spare room next to the OIA on the same floor of the Administration Building, to reduce the risk of swarm infection.

3. If necessary to contact us in person, please you must wear masks and sanitize your hands before entering Room 602 or the OIA. Also, we have to measure your body temperature.

4. If your body temperature exceeds 38 ℃ and having any symptom of acute respiratory, you are not allowed to enter Room 602 or the OIA.

5. Please follow the measures mentioned above during the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. If you violate the measures, the OIA will record you a first-level demerit and cancel your rights for all NDHU scholarships and stipends.